Based in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Available Worldwide.

This is my story

I have always felt extremely comfortable in the water. So naturally I try to spend a lot of my time in the pool, in lakes or in the ocean. In my early years I was swimming competitively, practicing 5 times per week and to this day, I swim close to 10km per week to feed the addiction. When planning vacations I make sure that at least one of the following activities is available:
scuba diving & underwater photography, sailing, surfing or windsurfing.

In 2006 I took my first breath underwater. And immediately I was hooked. At first I was simply enjoying the perfect weightlessness and the ability to move in three dimensions to explore a tiny part of the Red Sea. For a long time, I only did a few dives when I was on vacation. But eventually the ocean called and I took the leap to spend three months on the Seychelles working as divemaster. The first thing I did after coming back was to buy a dry suit for local cold water diving and I wonder how I ever lived without regularly leaving the world above behind to commune with the fish.

2018 marked the real start for my passion of taking pictures during my dives. I upgraded from a GoPro3 to a real camera sealed inside an underwater housing. The pictures I was able to bring back were no comparison to what I was able to achieve with the action cam and a new career path was opened…

When COVID hit in 2020 I had to refocus myself, because of the severe travel restrictions. I learned to love the cold and dark waters of the local lakes and learned to cherish the challenges presented by reduced visibility. I ended up investing in a rebreather which recycles the gas I exhale so I can stay underwater for longer. As an added benefit there are no more bubbles in the water creating a lot of noise and chasing away the fish.